Easy Way To capture videos online

Do you regularly watch videos posted online and would like to keep some of them? To save them on your Mac or PC, there are three solutions for you to capture videos online.

Videos proliferate on the web. Sites like Vimeo, YouTube, not to mention social networks offer Internet users to share their videos. But you’ve probably already been frustrated trying to record some of the clips on one of those much-needed online video services like on many other sites. Videos can often not be downloaded with a single right click of the mouse. They are usually streamed online using HTML5 in streaming formats or in Flash Video (FLV) format, which enables streaming of highly compressed video.

But all is not lost ! To recover in their entirety videos free of right is also simple as hello. Three solutions are available to you. The easiest way is to go through an online service. You can also turn your Firefox or Chrome browser into an online capture tool or go through more versatile software.

Here are the solutions to capture videos online or download streaming video online

Hope these ways will help you to captures or download your favorite TV show. If you know another good sources then comment below, I will add your option to my article.

1. Use an online service

One of the easiest ways to capture video is to use the DLNow online service . No software is therefore downloadable. DLNow works with a wide variety of sites offering videos, including the must-have YouTube. When you find a video that you want to record, enter its URL on DLNow, and then click the Download button, taking care to select the correct output format. Then just download the video. If it opens directly in the browser browser an icon at the bottom right triggers the download.

A competing service, Clipconverter, is just as easy to use and also works with several services. On this site, you enter the link of the page containing the video of your choice, then click on the “Continue” button. You then get a checklist based on the format and size of the video you want to get. however, ClipConverter can no longer retrieve videos that contain music.

2. Use a browser extension

Firefox and Chrome browsers allow you to capture online videos. It’s all about installing the Video DownloadHelper plug-in for Firefox or Chrome . The latter allows download and storage of videos from many streaming sites.

After installing Video DownloadHelper, you will see a new icon appear at the top right of the main Firefox window. Just click on it when you have an open video page to record the movie. The pop-up window that opens prompts you to choose an action to retrieve the file as is (FLV format) or to convert it to a more popular format.

3. Go through software

If you are looking to capture videos without breaking the bank, many programs also offer you the ability to download and convert to another video format or to simply grab the audio.

We’ll name only one that is compatible with Windows, Mac OS and even Linux: All Video Downloader from Kastorsoft. However, as with most freeware, it will be necessary to beware of the implementation of adware during the installation process. During the last test of the software there was not (more) during the installation process. On the other hand it proposed a new mode allowing to search directly contents via the interface of the software.

When the software is launched and installed, paste the URL of the video in the dedicated field. And click on “Download” to start the download. At the bottom of the interface a drop-down list and a button allow you to access advanced settings to choose the conversion format, destination path etc ….

Play the videos

To play your video, you must then download a video player if your conventional player does not support the chosen format or if you do not have the codec required to read it. The best known and most used is probably VLC which is a multimedia player directly integrating the codecs necessary for reading almost all formats.

In the end, if the three download solutions offered here are all valid, we prefer the online tool for occasional downloads or browser extension if you need to recover often online videos. The software solution is also valid in this case but it will be necessary to uncheck the options of adding adware during installation or prefer the “Premium” versions of software by paying a few euros. The price of tranquility. Hopefully these captures tools helps you. If you like then share your views.

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