Examples of Technology in education

Specific Examples of Technology in Education system

There is no doubt, that education is a backbone of a nation. Every nation tries provide best education system for developing their nations. In this digital world technology is one of the best parts for a developing nation. There are more Examples of technology in Education for us. Many more countries added technological education system in their academic book. Here we’ll discusses some examples of technology in education system.

We have a love and hate relationship with technology. In case, we enjoy the school pencil, paper and face to face communication. Beside this, technology made it easy, we enjoy and find something extremely convenient. Technology is continuously changing the way we work, play and communicate.

Examples of educational technology tools

Here, we’ll explore some examples of educational technology tools and trends. One of the most important definition of educational technology is focusing on technological tools for communicate.

Virtual reality

Technology for virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) is rapidly developing. One of those primaries uses for this technology in the classroom is to take students on virtual field trips. One provider of this technology is Nearpod VR. The technology innovation specialist Daniel Newman invites us to imagine using virtual reality to transport students to ancient Greece.


Students learn better when they’re having a great time. The utilization of gaming in the homeroom applies this idea by integrating the pleasant piece of play with the substance and ideas that students must learn. Gamification joins playing and learning by using gaming as an instructional device, as indicated by Newman, who clarifies that consolidating gaming innovation into the classroom “can make learning troublesome topic additionally energizing and intuitive.”

The Gamification increases student engagement in the classroom. It also creates enthusiasm for the lesson and provides immediate feedback.

3D printing

3D printing has just observed a great application on the planet on the loose. As indicated by Forbes, 3D printers have been the option to make something from vehicle parts to artificial organs. In the classroom, 3D printing can make active models that students can examine and interface with. For instance, students could find out about the topography of a zone by noticing a 3D map of it.

While 3D printing is 4-5 years from far and wide reception in schools, it is anything but difficult to pinpoint the reasonable applications that will grab hold. For example, Geology and anthropology studies students can make and associate with models of fossils and different antiquities, and natural science understudies can print out models of complex proteins and different particles through quick prototyping and creation tools. Significantly additionally convincing are establishments that are utilizing 3D technology to create fresh out of the plastic new tools.

Cloud technology

The cloud has applications and administrations on the web as opposed to being on a client’s PC. It empowers data to be put away, shared, and got to on any gadget that is associated with the web. In education, the cloud is utilized to store and share advanced course readings, exercise plans, recordings, and tasks. It’s additionally used to offer students the chance to visit live with their educators and different colleagues. In a connected vein, cloud technology is empowering another instructive model known as ‘flipped classrooms’ in which understudies can watch a talk before class and invest the class energy occupied with conversation, bunch work, and logical exercises.


Cloud Technology was listed in the 12 months or less class of the report, principally on account of the manner in which it had become a fundamental piece of cooperation in the two schools and the working environment. This year, the arrangement of distributed computing on the close term skyline for a subsequent time underscores the way that the effect of this innovation keeps on unfurling in new and extending ways.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is advancing into the instructive circle by methods for computerizing reviewing and input and giving customized learning openings. With respect to insight, Newman takes note of that a college in Australia utilized IBM’s Watson to make a virtual student warning help that was accessible every minute of every day. Clearly Watson’s virtual counselors handled in excess of 30,000 questions in the main trimester, opening up human consultants to deal with more complex issues.

Artificial intelligence can save teachers time by doing and giving feedback on their behalf. Teachers can learn a lot about a student’s learning designs by doing the evaluating themselves. It also provides greater insights into a student’s learning patterns.

Pros and Cons of Technology

The development of technology is one of most debatable topics. A few researchers allude to it as a disaster while some allude to it as a gift. There is no doubt that Technology has changed all aspects of business activities and how they are led in the 21st century. Although if we discuss about the importance of technology in education; it that Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students.  But here we mentioned pros and cons of Technology:

Pros of Technology

  • A very obvious advantage of technology is that it saves time.
  • Technology fuels most of the educational system testing.
  • It has improved communication.
  • It reduces cybercrime risks.
  • It developed better learning methods due to technology.
  • It engages the students and gets them curious.
  • It reduces the need for students to carry heavy textbooks
  • We will communicate more efficiently due to technology.

Cons of Technology

  • We are becoming more and more dependent due to technology.
  • The disadvantage of technology is that all are machine driven.
  • It creates health problems.
  • It creates a Social Divide.
  • It very well may be capably damaging.
  • It causes us decimate the earth.
  • It has made an absence of protection.

Examples of technology in the classroom

Many institutions are presently embracing test innovation plan for schools to make cooperation with their students additionally captivating and productive. The technology and innovation in education plan for schools has tools that ease the learning process. Use of technology in education help teachers to understand any issue affecting their students.

To provide education in the utilization of ICT, affecting learning encounters in establishments innovation, to participate in computer-based educational resources.

Examples of educational technology in the classroom such as; Tablets, Mobile technology, video conferencing, Smartboards among other technologies.

Mobile technology

Instead of restricting PDAs and other cell phones from use during class, a few schools are consolidating this technology into the learning cycle through instructive applications. Before the current year’s over, the portable market is relied upon to comprise of more than 7 billion records; versatile traffic on the Internet is required to outperform work area traffic; and portable clients will have downloaded 70 billion applications across mobile phones and tablets. Instructive applications are the second-most downloaded in iTunes of all classes, outperforming both diversion and business applications in notoriety.

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Progressively, schools are looking to supplant the bulkier hard copy textbooks with advanced ones that are available through a tablet. Utilizing handheld gadgets as advanced books can empower students to have more noteworthy association with the material through multi media. Students additionally can set aside cash over the expense of hard books. As advanced locals, they are additionally more agreeable in utilizing tablets so it just bodes well to utilize them fundamentally for learning. They can undoubtedly get to their school LMS whenever and anyplace, making it the ideal answer for students everything being equal.

It is so natural for students to convey tablets from class to class, utilizing them to flawlessly get to book and other course material varying, that schools and colleges are reevaluating the requirement for PC labs or even close to home PCs. With their developing number of highlights, tablets offer foothold to other instructive innovations—from encouraging the constant information mining expected to help learning investigation to offering a plenty of game-based learning applications.


Intuitive, associated show boards can replace whiteboards in most study classroom environments. This sort of boards offers a greatly improved, drawing in and intelligent experience for students. They can be used to show recordings and photographs close by transcribed notes to make a sight and sound way to deal with introducing material. Since they are anything but difficult to use, they can likewise work as a guide for students while conveying classroom introductions.

Video conferencing

Fast Internet can associate auditoriums in various pieces of the world and permit students in various areas to partake in similar exercises. This also can be a successful route for students to work together across huge separations. Indeed, video conferencing offers a wide scope of chances, from showing a class while being away, to getting sorted out gatherings with guardians who can’t partake at eye to eye gatherings.

ICT in Education

Information and communication technology (ICT) can supplement, enhance and change instruction to improve things. ICT in education is the method of instruction that utilization information and communications technology to help, improve, and streamline the conveyance of data. UNESCO shares information about the numerous ways of technology can encourage widespread admittance to instruction, connect learning isolates, uphold the advancement of educators, upgrade the quality and significance of learning, fortify incorporation, and improve training organization and administration.

Examples of Technology in Education for new world

Technologies are presently coordinated into schooling, and it is an astounding medium in conveying the themes being examined. This development in technology forever influences and changes the method of learning in an establishment. Check the rundown beneath for the rundown example of technology in education.

  • Chromebooks
  • Celly
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Flash notes
  • Kid Blog
  • Lore
  • LEAP Motion
  • Paper Tab
  • Study Blue

No one else has changed technology’s lifestyle, which is definitely why innovation is and can generally be so significant today. So, technology is vital in our way of life somehow or another that we can’t overlook deliberately.

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