Have you ever driven on empty and run out of gas… what did you do?

21 Answers

  • Mr Chowdhury

    Lv 4
    5 hours ago

    When you run out of petrol, there are six things you can do: You should’ve considered that before your tank ran out.

  • Free Advice

    Lv 6
    7 hours ago

    Yes, one time in front of a gas pump

  • Porras

    Lv 4
    10 hours ago

    I was lucky; ran out of ‘gas’ just off the M1 in north London after driving from Wolverhampton, years ago – and managed to park my Nissan in a street just off Staples Corner car park and walk to a petrol station nearby. If I had run out, say half way between Watford Gap and Watford Town, I’d be done for, having to wait for RAC to come rescue me! Learnt my lesson and carried a 5 ltr. jerry can in the boot for then onwards.

  • zipper

    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    YES!  Every time I buy a new car I put a two gallon can in the trunk with gas in it and run it out so I can see if the fuel gauge reads right or not!  I do this because I live out in the boondocks and Pines, better to know how well the gauge reads before you fine out the wrong way!

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  • Robert M

    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    CALLED ROAD SERVICE or FLAG down some HELP! Get a GAS CAN and fill it with fuel!>> WHen you get it ALL in the tank, turn the key OFF and ON a few times and the FUEL PUMP will prime the system BACK to normal! After about FIVE or s ON/OFF tries, just TURN THE KEY to START and it SHOULS start EASILY! It is NOT like the OLD DAYS of engines with CARBURETORS! >>IT WIL DO NO GOOD at all to PUMP the “AIR” pedal, cuz THAT is what it IS! The PEDAL only adds AIR to the injected FUEL and does NOT pump GAS into anything like a CARB car does! >>>just ADD some gas to the TANK at the station and then DO as I WROTE here! Turn the key OFF and ON only a few times and THEN try to start it! There are TWO fuel lines! One goes to the ENGINE and the OTHER on goes BACK to the tank! There is FILTER and a FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR in between. CNSIDER replacing the FUEL FILTER at some point NOW! It PRIMPS the gas as you drive the car and CLEANS the GAS as you drive it! I once had a CLIENTT with a VW BEETLE and the CHECK ENGINE LIGHT came on! The DEALER checked it and said the TRANS was SHOT and a replacement was about $7,000! When I got it, i I replaced teh FUEL FITLER and the PCV filter and hose and the TRANS RAN FINE again ! BE CAREFUL with

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Yeah, a buck of gasoline only takes you so far.  I kept hoping it would magically fill up.  It never did. So ended up walking, didn’t have money for a Gerry can, so put gas in a soda glass bottle and took that back to the car. 12 oz. of power.

  • Joseph

    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Yes.  The engine quit literally 50 feet away from the gas station.  I just coasted to a gas pump.

  • Karen L

    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Yes. Three times. About 10 pm, 20 miles from Three Forks, Montana. I got a tow truck, though I really can’t remember how I got it to come. Also in the middle of nowhere in northern Ontario, fortunately in the afternoon and in downtown Toronto very late in the evening. I hitchhiked to a gas station those two times. All these were many years ago, a couple of them long before there were cell phones. I check my gas supply pretty carefully these days.

  • ?

    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Only time I ran out was in my first car 1958 VW imported from Germany. I was taking my mom’s friend’s ugly daughter to look around a community college campus where I was attending. Sitting at a light about 3 blocks from the gas station the bug died. I said I ran out of gas – and her eyes got big – then I reached down to the firewall, flipped the lever to reserve (never tried it before so I was hoping it was in the correct position) pulled the choke and it started. Wahoo.

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    I ran out of gas in the desert and had to walk 20 miles to get help. Took 8 hours and I nearly died. I thought I had enough gas to make it but I guess I was wrong.

  • Scott

    Lv 7
    2 hours ago

    Yeah, when I was a teenager. I haven’t run out of gas since the 1970’s. I walked home and got a gas can.

  • 2 hours ago

    When my car runs out of gas on the highway, the only thing I do first is get to safety, determined my location, and call for help..

  • 18 hours ago

    Only once – decades ago.


    Had a gallon of Methyl Hydrate in the back, some of which we dumped into the gas tank.


    disclaimer —- this was an old car with a faulty fuel pickup. When it ”ran out of gas” there was always almost 3 gallons in the tank. So it wasn’t like we ran the car on straight methyl hydrate.


    A mechanic told me later that we would not have killed the engine even if we had, because we only drove about 5 miles to get fueled up

  • Robert S

    Lv 7
    20 hours ago

    Yes! I put more gas in the car and kept going!!!

  • 1 day ago

    When you run out of petrol, there are six things you can do: … You should’ve considered that before your tank ran out. 6. Drive Downhill…etc., you’re not going to get the same fuel economy as if the car were zero.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago


    I put gas from a gas can into the gas tank and drove to the gas station and filled up my tank.



    A big-eyed, ugly girl?  ????

    You make me laugh!

    Thumb up for humor. ????

    She got better looking.

  • Jay P

    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Only once.  I had a remote job I needed to do for a previous employer and they gave me a company truck that was already running on fumes when I started it.  I had no intention of putting any more gas into it so I took a chance…  It ran dry about 10 blocks from returning to work.


    Luckily there was a gas station a few blocks away and they were kind enough to lend me a jerry can so I could put enough gas in it to return the truck to work.  I put $5 worth of fuel into it but gave the station attendant $10 for the loan of the jerry can.  He gave me a receipt for the 10 bucks and I was reimbursed by work.

  • ?

    Lv 6
    2 days ago

    No, But, a gas leak caused the tank to go from 1/.4 to  E   Very Fast.  Empty in  16 miles.  I walked to a station 300 yards away, and he came back with a can.

    1/4 tank in that old El Camino was  5.5 gallons.

    Edit: Flag Michael was an Idiot.  And, Long Gone. Said he was in “Arizona”, but lied. It’s the MVD in AZ, NOT the “DMV”, for  one  thing. Lumped “psychopaths ” with  ex cons. Said he had “PTSD from a high school ‘incident’ ”

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    I understand why Yahoo is closing Yahoo Answers.  It was close to hopeless before.  It really is hopeless now.


    To all the constants here in cars and trans: thebax ,barry, flagmichael, geo, cv, adam, robs, devil, all the anons, its been a good run.  Hope to see you guys in another fixing forum somewhere.  Later.

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Yes. What did I do? I followed common sense instead of getting on Yahoo Answers and asking a stupid question.

  • 2 days ago

    I sold my urine to a crackhead for 10 bucks and ch walked to SPEEDWAY GAS STATIONS.

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