Bus topology is a kind of network where all devices are connected to a common network. This common network is known as backbone of the network. As all devices are connected to a common network so this network is known as bus network topology. Only a single cable is used to connect all devices and this single cable function as a shared communication medium. A device which wants to connect to this network needs an interface connector to do so.
When a device that wants to communicate to particular devices within the network sends a broadcast message, other devices can see the message but only that particular devices can except the message and can execute the message.
In bus network topology Ethernet cabling is used as a popular method. Ethernet bus topology is relatively easy to install and require a less amount of cabling if we compare to other option as alternative.in Ethernet bus topology 10 base-5(Thick Net) and 10 base-2(Thin Net) are the most popular cabling option.
What is Bus Topology?
It’s a kind of network topology where every devices or nods connected to a single cable. And this cable is known as a main cable. It’s also called as the backbone of the network.
For a limited number of computer bus topology gives the best performances. When computers in bus topology exceeds more than a few dozen it decrease the performance level. Moreover all the computers of the topology become unusable when the backbone cable goes offline.
Bus Network Topology advantages and disadvantages
Like other network topology bus topology has its own pros and cons. some of the bus topology pros and cons are discussed in below.

Ring Network Topology
Advantages of Bus Network Topology
Advantages are following:
Pros of bus topology
There are some pros of bus topology. Some of them are discussed in below.
Cost effective in cabling
Bus topology allows nodes to connect to the network directly without passing through any hub.as a result installation cost is less in initial level.
Data direction
In bus topology it transmits data only to a single direction.
Standard data speed
Bus topology based network use twisted or coaxial cables. This types of cable support to transfer the data at a speed of 10 Mbps max.
Controlled failure
If a node of this network fail to perform than its have no effect on other nodes on this network. For this reason the failure of this network are controlled.
Known technology
In bus topology technology of installation and troubleshooting are widely known and every hardware components are easily accessible.
Easily expandable
If the bus topology needs to expand then it’s very easy to do so. Just joining the two cable allows to expand the network of bus topology.
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Disadvantages of Bus Network Topology
Like the other network topology bus topology also has its demerits. Some of them are discussed in below.
Wide range of cabling
Though bus topology is a simpler topology, but it requires a large amount of cabling.as a result it causes more spends in cabling. Although bus topology is relatively simple, it requires a considerable amount of cabling, leading to higher costs.
Troubleshooting difficulties
To identify the exact fault in the main cable, it requires a specialized test equipment. More over when any fault occurred in a main cable then every nodes or devices will face disruption in communication. Identifying faults in the main cable requires specialized test equipment, and any cable faults disrupt communication for all nodes.
Interference in signal processing
If the two nodes send the messages simultaneously, then it causes interference in signal processing as the signals of the two nodes collides with each other. If two nodes transmit messages simultaneously, signal interference can occur as the signals collide with each other.
Difficulties in reconfiguration
Speed will slow down if any new devices added to the network. Because when any devices connected to this network then it create more load on the main cable. More load on the main cable slows down the speed of data processing. Adding new devices to the network can slow down the speed of data processing due to increased load on the main cable.
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Signal Interruption
When the signal loss happened then attenuation occurred in network. To regain the strength of network repeaters needs to generate the signal. Signal loss can result in attenuation in the network, requiring repeaters to regenerate the signal strength.
Uses of bus topology
Selection of the network topology to use as a main network topology depends on some factors. Which determines what type of network topology should be used. Same goes for the topology. There are some factors which determines the uses of bus topology as a main network topology. The selection of a main network topology, including bus topology, depends on several factors. Some factors that determine the use of bus topology as the main network configuration include:
Availability of hubs and switch
When hubs or switches are unavailable, bus topology becomes a suitable option for creating a network.
Number of devices
When the number of devices or computers in a network are not fixed then bus topology is used. If the number of devices or computers in a network is not fixed, bus topology is a practical choice.
Network interruption
The failure of one nodes does not affect the network then bus topology is a perfect option. When the failure of one node does not affect the entire network, bus topology is a preferred option.
Power supply
External power supply is not needed for this type of network topology. As a result when there is no external power source for any network then bus network topology is the best option to use. Bus topology does not require external power supply, making it suitable for scenarios without available power sources.
In conclusion
There are many types of network topology available for use. Based on the criteria and situation different types of network topology are used. If anyone wants to make a simple network topology then the bus network topology is the best option for you. Comments bellow if you have any query.
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